
轉載原文出處: 森克 Gas Ganic

Noel Gallagher Interview From Hong Kong Magazine

森克 譯。


With Dig Out Your Soul the critics in general have said your music has changed.

N: Well, critics are always inventing new languages aren’t they? For me, I speak a totally different language and I only write songs that I like myself. I’m not a person for change - I play the guitar and do rock music, and I’m not into jazz, heavey metal, reggae, R&B, hip-hop and I’m not gonna write an opera about monkeys. At the end of the day, what critics say doesn’t affect me. I ain’t gonna change.
唔,樂評不是都愛編造出新的詞彙嗎? 對我來說,我傳達的是完全不一樣的語言,我只寫我自己愛的音樂。我不是一個為了改變而改變的人 - 我彈奏吉他並做搖滾樂,我不會喜歡Jazz、重金屬、hip-hop之類的音樂,我也不會想做有關猴子的歌劇。到目前為止,樂評不管說什麼都不會影響到我,我不會做任何改變。


There’re a few Liam’s tunes on the album - do you like his music?

N: I like Liam’s songs. The best part in his entire character is music. The rest of him is a fxxking nightmare! But his music is great. I’d listen to it.
我喜歡Liam做的歌曲。他整個人最棒的地方就是音樂了,除了音樂之外…簡直就是該死的惡夢! 不過他的音樂真的很棒! 我會聽他的歌。


Half of the songs on this album weren’t written by you (Noel corrects: “You could have said ‘you wrote half the album by yourself!’”), would the next Oasis album be like that as well?
專輯中有一半的歌曲不是你寫的 (Noel糾正記者: 你可以說’你寫了專輯一半的歌曲’),下一張的綠洲專輯也是會這樣嗎?

N: Yeah, I’d like that. But it’s the producer who decides what songs go in there and what not. If he says seven of my songs make it, then seven it would be.
對,我喜歡那樣! 但這是製作人來決定歌曲的去留。如果他說要留我寫的七首曲子,那就會被放進專輯裡。


Ever considered letting Andy and Gem do vocals?

N: What, asking them to sing? That’d be taking the piss! Andy and Gem are great musicians. In fact Gem sings well but they’re not born-to-be-singers. I just think they don’t have enough of that confidence in them still.
什麼? 問他們要不要唱歌? 他們會覺得你在開玩笑! Andy和Gem都是非常優秀的音樂人。事實上Gem唱歌很棒! 但是他們不會想成為主唱的。


What would break up Oasis? Sibling rivalry doesn’t seem like it.
什麼事會讓Oasis決裂? 兄弟間的鬥爭似乎不會是原因。

N: I don’t know? Getting bald, fat, someone dies or I get bored? I don’t see Oasis splitting up to be honest…just the gap between albums might get longer, cos we need to save up a lot of energy for each release. I’d say we still have another 15 years in us. I don’t see anyone wanting to retire either. We like our music, so I think Oasis will keep going.
我也不曉得會是什麼原因造成拆夥? 變成禿頭?變肥仔?有人葛屁了?還是有人厭倦了? 我不會看見Oasis的分裂…但是專輯之間也許會經歷更久的時間才發行,因為我們需要儲存更多的能量來應付每一次的專輯的推出。我們還會再經歷另一個15年。我沒看到有人想要提早退休的,我們喜歡自己的音樂,所以我覺得Oasis會一直持續走下去。


Can you sum up Oasis’ music in one word?

N: No I don’t think you can ever do that man, not even in one sentence. I could say “Rock n’ Roll” but…I think we’re one of the only two real bands left on this planet. U2 doesn’t do some type of music, they do U2 music, and we’re like that, we’d only do Oasis music. But if I have to describe Oasis music in one word, it would be “brilliant”!
不,我覺得沒辦法這樣做,老兄! 即使是一句話也沒辦法。也許我可以說”搖滾樂”! U2從來不做相同類型的音樂,他們做U2自己本身的音樂,我們就像他們這樣,我們只做綠洲的音樂。如果真的非得要我用一個單字形容Oasis,那就是”brilliant(輝煌)”!!


You said you won’t write pop songs with catchy melodies anymore.

N: No I didn’t say that. What I meant was I don’t give a shit about the charts anymore. I used to be obsessed with the charts, but then I found out I don’t care any longer. Once you’ve been at no.1 it just gets boring. Like when we signed to Sony years ago I thought we were gonna be the greatest band in the world, but ever since that contract is finished, I no longer cared about sales or chart positions. I just need to make music that I like.


Have you thought about producing records for other people, like Bernard Butler does?
你有想過發行唱片給其他的人嗎? 就像Bernard Butler(前Suede團員)那樣?

N: I have produced several records but nothing came of of that…I’d still want to produce records for bands that I like though, like Coldplay. They’ve got their own stuff and I’ve seen them live many times. They’re brilliant. (Anyone in particular you’d want to work with then?) No…my ambition stays inside Oasis. I wouldn’t find myself saying “Hey, you know what?! I’d LOVE to work with 50 Cent!!”. Nah…my hands are full with Oasis already.
我已經有錄製幾張專輯了,但…我仍然想為Oasis製作唱片,就像Coldplay一樣。他們已經發了屬於他們的東西,我也看了幾場他們的現場,他們很棒! (你會想要和他們合作嗎?) 不…不! 我的熱情都在Oasis裡面! 我不會讓自己這樣說”嘿! 你懂什麼?! 我愛跟五角合作!” 阿…我的雙手都奉獻給綠洲了!


Any plans for a solo record?

N: No I don’t have plans for that right now, no. Everyone’s writing songs at Oasis and we’re sitting on a pile of like 30 songs with some great b-sides that we haven’t yet put out…I wonder they’ll ever get done actually, may be a fxxking double record after I die or something!

I did have that idea before, so it’s not entirely out of the question. I’ll see how it goes. Just get the bloody tour done first.


Do you still buy music?

N: Yeah I’d still go to a record shop to buy music. I wouldn’t change that cos I don’t have a computer. I know people out there are against downloading and stuff…but that’s unfortunately just the way it is. I was trying to get into it before and thought about buying a computer… (You still don’t own one?) No, never have, you know? I have an iPod, but that you can put it in your pocket and fxxking carry it around. For God’s sake, I’ve spent 11 years learning to use my mobile!
會! 我還是會到唱片行買專輯。我不會去做改變,因為我根本就沒有電腦。我知道大家都會去下載音樂…但這樣做真的很讓人覺得很糟。我之前有想過買一台電腦…(你現在連一台都沒有?) 你知道嗎? 我真的從來沒有電腦。我有一台Ipod,這可以放在你的口袋裡,可以隨性的帶著它到處去。因為上帝的緣故,我花了11年在學習該怎樣使用我的手機!!

So…at 41, having spent 15 years as a rock star without a computer…I don’t think I’d start needing one now. It’s the same with cars, I’ve never bought a car (yeah right, Noel), I can’t swim and I can’t use chopsticks! But you know, there’s always a fork around right?!
所以…我已經41歲了,已經花了15年時間成為一個沒有電腦的搖滾明星…我也不覺得我現在就需要它,它就像車子一樣,我從來也沒買過車子,我也不會游泳和拿筷子!! 你也知道的,這裡到處都有叉子阿!


How do you blog if you don’t have a computer?

N: I do it with my mobile and someone at the office helps out. I just text them and they’ll put it on the computer for me.


Any serious after effects from the Toronto attack?

N: No. The only thing that’s changed is we don’t let people on stage anymore. The security is gonna get you. It didn’t really affect me though…physically I’d still feel the pain…afterall I spent 8 weeks recovering from that…and I do feel a bit intimidated every time I come on stage. But you know…(getting pushed) it beats being in a plane crash, you know what I mean?


About the cancelled gigs in Beijing and Shanghai. They were supposedly cancelled because of what you said about Tibet (Noel: yeah it saved us a whole week), have you learnt any lessons on that?

N: No. The Chinese government is not happy with something I said like 12 years ago, but I don’t remember fxxk all about anything I said 12 years ago! Now obviously, communists have long memories. Anyway, not letting us play there is some sort of an insult to me. I’ve never been to China! But you know, whatever, that’s the way world politics is, you’re just some guy playing music on this world and you get involved with it. No I haven’t learnt any lessons, may be not to get involved with monks!
不,中國政府對我在12年前說過的話感到不愉快,但是我完全想不起來我12年前我他媽的到底說過什麼?! 現在很明顯的,原來共產黨有長久的記憶。無論如何,不讓我到那邊演出,對我來說很不禮貌。我從來都沒到過中國! 但是你懂得,那又怎樣? 我只不過是一個在世界上彈奏吉他的傢伙,然後被邀請到那邊演唱。現在我也沒學到什麼教訓,也許是不要捲入憎侶的紛爭!


Do you have any opinions towards Tibet?

N: Absolutely not!



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