
Noel Gallagher Hong Kong Interview (中譯專訪) -Part 2


I was there when you came to Hong Kong to play in 1998!

N: Oh were you? Was a shit gig, wasn’t it?
哦 你有去? 那是個爛演唱,不是嗎?


It was great…

N: (cuts in) I don’t bloody think so! From what I remember we were awful….but it’s gonna be much worse tonight I think!
我不這麼認為! 我記得我們很可怕…但我想今晚我們會更糟糕的!


Oh why’d you say that?
噢 為什麼你要這樣說?

N: See for yourself - you’d know.


I loved the first part of the There and Then video. I still remember how at the end of The Swamp Song Liam walked on and shouted Acquiesece to the mic, while you striked the chords to kickstart the gig. It was unforgettable. Amazing.
我很愛There and Then一開始的部分! 我到現在還記得Liam在《The Swamp Song》要結束的時候,對著mic大喊Acquiesece,你接著就刷吉他開始了這場演唱會。這真令人難忘! 很驚人的表演!

N: Hmm that sure was a good show.
嗯 那的確是很棒的表演。


What do you think tonight’s gig is gonna be like?

N: I think it’d be interesting! Our lead singer is in a funny mood now and we’re probably gonna have a car crash tonite. I never try to predict anything. You know there’s so much shit in life you’re gonna be dragged down if you set your hopes too high, right? What I know is I’m gonna be brilliant, but I can’t control the crowd to sing along, or clap or anything…I’ll just make sure that I play well and sing well, that’s what I’ll try to do.
會蠻有意思的! 我們主唱現在沒什麼心情,我們今晚可能會車禍吧! 我從不試著預測任何事,你懂的,生活上有太多狗屁事,如果你期望太高你就會摔的越重,對吧? 我知道我會表現的耀眼,但是我不能控制其他傢伙…我只會試著把自己的表現做到最好,那就是我該做的。


How do you prepare yourself for a show even when you know you’re not at your best?

N: That’s a difficult question…You don’t really need to be in a good mood to play a gig you know. For me it’s always do it first, and worry later, yeah.
這是個困難的問題…你知道嗎? 你不會真的需要在好心情下才能去做這場演出。對我來說,就是先做了再說,擔心先擺後面吧。


Sometimes I feel so inconfident on stage.

N: Why? What’s the worst thing that can happen?
為什麼? 有什麼壞事會發生嗎?


Like, your monitor goes quiet, and all sorts of things…

N: I don’t use a monitor. Never. Just shut it down, man.


What, really?

N: I only need one when I need to sing, rest of the time I’d switch it off and just listen with me ears. I mean what’s the worst thing that can happen? People might get up and leave, big deal!
我只在當我唱歌的時候用到,其餘時間我會關掉它,用自己的耳朵去聆聽。我的意思是,會有什麼鳥事發生呢? 大不了就是觀眾會站起來走人!


Not able to hear anything from the monitor…that freaks me out.

N: So what? You should know what you’re playing anyway. Even if I can’t hear anything, I’d still know how to play a song! You’re never gonna, and you should never, never try to play a song as it sounds on the record! I’m never bothered with with that.
那又怎樣? 你本來就應該知道你在彈奏什麼,即使我無法聽到任何東西,我還是可以知道該怎麼彈奏一首歌! 你不應一直嘗試彈奏歌曲時,還感覺像是在錄音室一樣!


Any words of advice for people in a band?

N: Just don’t think too damn much, you know? Just chill and enjoy it! Tell you what, I never give advices cos I don’t take any. Just enjoy yourself….How old are u, son?
不要想太多,你懂嗎? 就好好享受它吧! 告訴你,我從來不給任何建議,好好享受你自己的生活吧…孩子,你幾歲啦?



N: 28, that’s great, soon you’d be 50 and it’s all gonna pass…so don’t worry about anything.

Thanks for the advice!


Where do you get your inspirations from?

N: Man, I dunno. It just comes. I was not trained to be a musician or lyricist or anything like that. You just pick up the guitar and it’d come. I don’t know where that’s from. It just happens.
老兄,我也不瞭。靈感它就這樣冒出來。我也沒刻意訓練成像是音樂家還是作曲家那樣。你就是彈吉他,然後靈感就出現了! 我不知道它從哪來的? 事情就是這樣發生的!


What are your plans after this tour?

N: We aint got any to be honest. Apart from a long break. No plans whatsoever for the next record or for other people.


Which songs would you recommend? Out of Dig Out Your Soul

N: The first one, Bag it up, Waiting for the Rapture, Soldier On.
第一Bag it up,再來是Waiting for the Rapture和 Soldier On。


What kind of music fans would you recommend these to?

N: I don’t think like that. You should just get the sound right. It’s to do with What I do and Who I am and not Who YOU are. I think if I like something then someone else would probably agree it’s good as well.


You mentioned in an interview that you liked this song Magic Colours by a 70s Hong Kong musician called Teddy Robins. It happens that Dig Out Your Soul is very psychedelic sounding as well. Did you get you inspirations from there somehow?
你曾在一訪問中提到,你喜歡《Magic Colours》這首歌,是由七零年代的香港音樂人Teddy Robins所作。DOYS聽起來非常迷幻,你有從這首歌得到任何靈感嗎?

N: I got this record called Love, Peace and Poetry in a record shop in London which was supposed to be a 60s psychedelic record from Asia. I thought there might be some good stuff in there and that track, Magic Colours, it fxxking blew me away! A bit like Jimi Hendrix or something, probably one of the best thing I’ve ever heard! But no I didn’t get my inspirations from there, at least I probably don’t play guitar as good as he does.
我從這張專輯得到的是愛、和平和詩歌,在倫敦的唱片行我猜測這是來自亞洲六零年代的迷幻專輯。這裡面也許有一些不錯的東西,《Magic Colours》這首歌深深的打動我! 有點像Jimi Hendrix或是什麼,總之是我沒聽過的歌曲中最好的其中之一! 但是我沒有從中得到靈感,或許我吉他沒彈的跟他一樣好吧。


Are you familiar with other Asian music?

N: No to be honest I don’t know anything about the music here. I’d listen to stuff from the US, India, Germany, Sweden and France though.


I got into Oasis since WSTMG, and I was crazy about it, singing Don’t look back in anger with my twin brother all the time…
我從WSTMG開始跟隨Oasis,我瘋狂的沉迷,和我的雙胞胎兄弟每天都在唱《Don’t look back in anger》…

N: You have a twin brother? Is he in the same band as you?
你有一個雙胞胎兄弟? 他和你在同樣的樂團嗎?



N: He was, wasn’t he?? Kick him out!!


Now you used to be working class…

N: I still am.


…well our band is sort of from the working level as well. We’re still struggling. Do you have any things to say to young people and musicians here, cos most young people would just spend their time playing video games and stuff…
…唔 我們的樂團也來自一樣的階級。我們還在努力奮鬥中,你有什麼想對年輕朋友和這裡的音樂人說的嗎? 因為大部分的年輕人只會浪費他們的時間在玩電動上…

N: That’s what it’s about these days isn’t it? In my days, people were into music like people are into video games now. If they want to sit in front of a computer all day long…then they could try to make some music on the computer. In fact, the guitar is one of the most difficult thing you can learn in the world. It’s much easier with a computer. I started playing the guitar becos I had nothing better to do. My life was really shit.
那就是他們的生活,不是嗎? 在我的生活,喜歡音樂就像其他人喜歡電動一樣。如果他們整天坐在電腦前面…它們也許可以試著用電腦來做一些音樂。事實上,吉他是世界上最難學習的東西之一。電腦就簡單多了。我會開始學吉他是因為我也沒什麼事好做,我以前的生活糟透了。

And it took me around 15 years to really learn how to play it well. Even now I’m still spending all my time learning things about the guitar…compared to that…video games are much, much easier.

You know it’s a wonderful thing to be…with music. Whether you’re just singing it or playing it…it’s all brilliant. But it’s hard to get other people into music though, you have to try it and see if you’d like it.


So do you really not use a computer?

N: No I don’t. Tell you what, there was this time I was at home and my missus went out, leaving the computer on in the kitchen. So she called me and asked me to shut it down for her and I said “alright”. Then I went into the kitchen and I found out I didn’t know how to bloody turn it off! So I just unplugged the thing from the socket, you know?! Then she came back and found out and was mad at me, saying how I was an idiot or something…But then you can live your life so so many years without using a computer, so I don’t think I’d need one. I can’t drive, can’t swim, but I’m doing alright.
我真的不會,跟你說,有一次我待在家而我老婆出門的時候忘記關電腦,所以他打電話回來叫我去幫她關機,我說”沒問題”。但接著我走進廚房,找到那部電腦,但是我他媽的不知道怎麼關掉它!! 所以你知道嗎? 我就直接把插頭拔掉!! 等到她回家之後,發現這件事就對我發火,說我怎麼可以這麼愚蠢之類的…但是你不用電腦一樣可以生活阿,所以我不覺得我需要電腦。我不會開車,我也不會游泳,但我還是好好的。


Don’t you think the Internet can let you see more of the world?

N: Nah I’m not having that…What I mean is, I’d get up and go there if I want to be somewhere, you know what I mean?


Do you not use a computer to record demos either?

N: I don’t do demos. I’d just play something and sing, keep it in my head, then go straight into the studio. Sometimes I think all this stuff on the Internet aren’t really real, like you can’t really know what Hong Kong is like with a single click. You have to be there to feel it. I think the kids might find it useful, how they can search stuff when they need it…but I come from a different time, I don’t need to know how much does a tiger fxxking weight, how many nails an elephant’s got or how many bricks was The Great Wall of China build with, you know? That’s got nothing whatsoever with how I live my life now… but I know, kids are into that sort of stuff.
我不錄demo的。我就只彈奏吉他然後唱和,旋律就在我腦海成型,接著就直接進錄音室。有時候我會覺得在網路上的東西很不真實,就像你壓一下按鍵你沒辦法真的知道香港是什麼,你必須真的到那邊去感受。也許孩子們會覺得他很有用,他們可以上網找他們想要的東西…但是我是不同時代的人,我不會需要知道有怎麼量老虎該死的體重,長城建造要幾塊磚頭,你懂嗎? 它們跟我現在的生活一點都沒關係…但是我知道,孩子們很熱衷在上面。

Source: Milk Magazine


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